Dating Cards Questions
3 min readMay 23, 2023
- What made you happy when you were a child?
- How good are you at turning people down who you don’t especially like?
- What do you most enjoy about relationships?
- What 3 books would you take as a good sign if a potential partner had read and liked them?
- How might you entertain a 5 year old child that a friend left you with for an hour or two?
- What attitudes to food do you find appealing in a partner?
- What type of traveling companion would you like an ideal partner to be?
- Describe the way you live: are you clean or messy?
- If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
- What moves you to tears?
- Describe your favourite childhood toy
- When are you most miserable and when are you calmest in an average working day?
- Sketch the course of three previous relationships you’ve had.
- What would the interior decoration be like in your ideal house?
- What is your most irritating work colleague like?
- Describe your political leanings without using the words ‘left’ or ‘right’.
- Describe your first kiss.
- What are you selfish about?
- How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad?
- Who would you like to go back and apologise to — and for what?
- What is your view of therapy? Have you ever had it, and what did it do for you?
- What would you have been like if I’d met you 10 years ago? What have you learnt since then?
- What are your parents’ strong points? What are their weaknesses?
- What do you think are your best qualities?
- What is your type?
- How would you describe your financial status?
- Complete the sentence “If someone seems to like me a lot, I tend to think that perhaps…”
- What type of friend are you?
- If you could magically invent a drug that could put you in any sort of mood, what would that mood be?
- What kind of fault are you particularly tolerant of in others? And which are you less tolerant of?
- How do you behave when angry: explode, get bitter, store the explosion for later, say nothing…?
- How strict would you be as a parent?
- How would you advise a friend who had just learnt their partner was having an affair?
- What changes in some aspect of your lifestyle are you currently contemplating or daydreaming about?
- With playfulness and generosity, point out to one another, how do you feel the other might be difficult to live alongside (remembering that we’re all difficult in some key ways)
- What do people seldom properly understand about you?
- What are you excessively anxious about?
- Describe your ideal relationship dynamic and the roles you and your partner would take?
- Describe a friend or acquaintance you are envious of and why.
- Pay each other two compliments, one, focusing on the mind, the other on appearance.
- In what ways are you slightly mad (bearing in mind that everyone is slightly mad)?
- What kind of people do you like as friends but not as lovers? And vice versa?
- What do you think people often don’t get right in their attitudes to sex?
- What is your view on having a family?
- Without thinking too much, complete the sentence: “The problem with most of the people I’ve been on a date with is…”
- What would you like to do better than your parents?
- What do you think might be most endearing about you?
- Complete the sentence: “When someone frustrates me, I tend to…”
- What are the main points you would like to be covered in a speech at your funeral?
- What would you love a kind person to come away thinking about you after you’d met them for the first time?
- What character trait would you like to be forgiven for?
- What character traits do you long to find in someone else and would help you feel you have discovered a soulmate?